Our Services

Forest Stewardship Plan
We will work with you to develop a comprehensive written forest stewardship plan which will be your road map for managing your forest land. We can speak to you about this plan when we do the no fee forest management consultation.

Wildfire Assessment and Mitigation Plan
We will assess your property for wildfire risk and then develop a written mitigation plan to reduce the impact of wildfire on your structures and land. We start by assessing Zone 1 which are the structures and landscape from the sides of the structure to 5 feet from the structure. Then we assess Zone 2 which is 5 feet to 30 feet from the structures. Finally, we assess Zone 3 which extends from 30 feet to 100 feet. Depending on the terrain, we may extend Zone 3 outward. The mitigation plan can be written as a DIY work plan, a combination of DIY and professional work, or professional mitigation work. The mitigation plan will have a checklist to follow. We will provide an estimate for mitigation based upon the checklist.

Wildfire Mitigation
We will use the Wildfire Assessment and Mitigation Plan as our guideline for the mitigation project. We typically like to start the project in Zone 1(The main structures) and move outward from there. We can also start by harvesting marketable timber, so you will know exactly how much you want to spend on the mitigation project. See our Logging section to learn more about timber harvesting.

We can selectively harvest marketable timber trees using low impact and/or conventional logging methods. We typically do this type of work when the ground is firm to reduce damage to the forest floor. We typically use a harvester processor to fell, delimb, and cut trees to length. We then skid or trailer them back to a predetermined location called a Landing. Logs are then be picked up and transported to the mill. We will work with you to establish goals and objectives for the logging project.

Forest Thinning
Forest thinning is the process of removing trees in an immature stand to improve growth and health of the forest. A thinned forest is a much healthier forest and is better able to resist fire, insects, disease, and drought.
There are two methods of thinning: Commercial and Precommercial
Commercial Thinning: Is when the value of the harvested timber pays the costs of the thinning project.
Precommercial Thinning. Is when the value of the harvested timber does not return enough to pay for thinning project.
A good thinning program meets one or more of these six objectives.
1. Use or sell timber that otherwise would die and decay and/ or lost to fire.
2. Redistribute the total fiber growth of the stand to fewer trees of higher quality, thereby increasing the value of usable fiber.
3. Increase the profitability of growing trees by reducing the investment in standing volume.
4. Provide money to fund projects, such as wildfire mitigation, reforestation, precommercial thinning, and other timber stand improvement activities.
5. Enhance nontimber uses of the forest such as grazing, wildlife, and recreation.
6. Provide more frequent periodic incomes

Timber Salvage Before Land Clearing
We can salvage marketable timber from your property before you begin building. This will allow you to receive payment for the marketable timber, so you can put that money back into your project. Contact us, so we can give you an estimate.

Firewood Processing or Splitting on your Site
We can bring the firewood processing and splitting to you.
Firewood Splitting: If you have rounds cut and just need splitting- we can do it.
Firewood Processing: If you are looking to cut and split large quantities of firewood, firewood processing can save a lot of time, money, and physical effort. We process an average one cord per hour and typically work a 10-hour day. Contact us for an estimate.

Storm Damage Cleanup and Downed Trees
If you experience storm damage or have downed trees, we can come in and cleanup the downed and damaged trees. We can chip and/ or remove the trees from your property. We typically do not take on tree work that is done by tree companies such as technical tree removals in close proximity to buildings or utility lines, but we work with local Arborists that can perform that work.

Land Management Services
We provide a number of different land management services. We typically take on smaller projects so we can remain available for forestry services work. Below is a list of land management services that we can provide.
Garden Tilling: In the spring we have garden tilling days when our prices are reduced, as we try to go and till a number of gardens in a day.
Rotary Mowing
Brush Removal
Forestry Mulching/ Mastication
Horse Arena maintenance
Light driveway grading and maintenance
For insurance reasons, we cannot perform any excavation work.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We will get back to you as soon as we can. The best method is to text us at 406-285-1612 as we typically work in areas with minimal cell coverage.
Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day.

Work Hours
Wed- Sat
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Mon- Tue
Appointment Only